Support Hourly Rates

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Our hourly rates are set in line with the NDIS Price Guide. This includes TTP loading where applicable. Please refer to the NDIS Price Guide.
    • Overnight Sleepover: For every overnight sleepover, there must be at least four hours in conjunction with the sleepover period. If our employee is required to work during the sleepover, a charge for the time worked at the relevant hourly rate will apply, with a minimum charge of one hour worked. Where such work is more than one hour, a charge will be made at the relevant hourly rate for the time worked.
    • Shift allowances If part of the requested shift falls between the hours of 8pm and 12am then Monday to Friday evening rate will be applied to the WHOLE shift. If part of the requested shift falls between the hours of 12am and 6am then the Monday to Friday active overnight rate will be applied to the WHOLE shift.
    • Shift Cancellations: For cancellation of services, a minimum of 12-hours’ notice within business hours is required or the entire shift requested will be charged.
    • Rates are subject to changes in accordance with NDIS rate increases.